London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Harrow 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Harrow]

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The costs of the collection for the nine months ending
December 29th were 10s. 8½d. per ton and for disposal 3s. 7d. per ton.
Street Cleansing.
Main roads and shopping centres are cleansed twice daily;
main district roads once daily; district roads generally three times
a week; cul-de-sacs twice weekly and private streets at least once
a week. The sweepings are collected in orderly barrows and are
disposed of at the tips. The roads in certain areas of the district
tend to become littered presumably by the carelessness of the
neighbouring inhabitants, whose houses and fences also are allowed
to fall into a state of disrepair. More frequent street cleansing in
such areas might be a small contribution towards arresting the
deterioration in the tone of the locality.
A list of the public conveniences in the district appeared in
the Annual Report for 1935.
Owing to the widening of Roxborough Bridge, the convenience
there has been demolished. A new convenience has been constructed
in the Harrow Weald recreation ground, accessible from
the public highway as well as from the ground. The accommodation
is for women, 3 w.c.'s; for men, 3 w.c.'s and urinal stalls and
lavatory basins in each compartment. In October the Council
agreed to the construction of conveniences in the following recreation
grounds: Alexandra Park (children's convenience); Byron recreation
ground; Canon Park recreation ground; Little Common,
Pinner; Lowlands recreation ground; Montesole playing-fields;
and Pinner recreation ground. It was later agreed that conveniences
be erected at Alexandra Park (fronting Alexandra Avenue
near the southern entrance to the Park); Great Stanmore recreation
ground (fronting Stanmore Hill adjoining the entrance to the
recreation ground); and Stanmore Common (fronting the road
across the common opposite the cricket ground), the conveniences
so situated being accessible to the public both from the ground
and from the highway. The accommodation to be provided in the
conveniences is: men, 3 w.c.'s and 5 urinal stalls; boys, 1 w.c.;
women, 3 w.c.'s; and girls, 3 w.c.'s.
The erection of a new convenience is contemplated on the site
at the junction of Buckingham Road and Whitchurch Lane, with
accommodation on the male side of 3 w.c.'s and 6 urinal stalls
and on the female side of 3 w.c.'s, with lavatory and attendance
room on each side.
Certain parts of the district are still in urgent need of conveniences,
the demand being most acute possibly in Kenton near
the railway bridge.