London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Leyton 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Leyton]

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Squint Clinic.
Following a special report, containing the observations of your
Ophthalmic Surgeon, submitted by me in 1935, the Council decided
to establish a special squint clinic for the treatment and training of
children suffering from squint.
The special squint clinic was established in June, 1936, but
owing to the great number of new cases to be examined with a view
to their classification and selection for appropriate treatment it
was not possible to begin the actual orthoptic treatment and
exercises until 7th September, 1936.
Report by School Medical Officer to Education Authority—
February, 1937.
The special clinic for the treatment and orthoptic training of children
suffering from squint was established in June, 1936. Since that time the
Council's Orthoptist (Miss P. Montague Smith), under the supervision of
the Authority's Ophthalmic Surgeon, has held two sessions per week at
Leyton Green Clinic. As each child's training in binocular vision requires
at least twenty minutes at each attendance, it is not possible to deal with
more than eight cases per session ; and, as the necessary treatment and
training requires regular attendance twice a week over a period of from
three months to two years, it will be appreciated that it is not possible to
deal thoroughly with a large number of cases per year. Both the Ophthalmic
Surgeon and the Orthoptist require a very high standard of visual
acuity and freedom from squint before any case is discharged cured ; and,
during the short time the clinic has been in operation, only two children
have been so discharged.
The following figures show the number and disposition of cases dealt
with at the special squint clinic from its inception (11.6.36) until the end
of the year, i.e., over a period of some 6i months.
Cases examined 62
Cases treated by orthoptic training 9
Cases treated for defective vision (amblyopia) 18
Cases unsuitable for treatment 3
Cases awaiting treatment 32
Attendances for treatment 325
Results of Treatment.
Cured. Improved.
Defective vision 6* 5
Squint 2 7
*These children, who have now been cured as regards defective vision,,
are now awaiting a course of orthoptic training; and their number, when
added to the 32 cases on the waiting list, makes a total of 38 children
awaiting treatment.