London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Woolwich 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich]

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Of the 135 licensed premises in the Borough, 24 serve main
meals. The supervision of hygienic conditions in public houses
is carried out by the Public Health Inspectors, and in this
connection periodic routine visits are made.
In 1962 three informal Notices were served on the Brewers
concerned to secure the remedying of the defects found.
During the year 62 complaints of unsound food were made to
the Department, and all the complaints were investigated by the
Food Inspectors.
A warning letter was sent to the manufacturers of a bottle
of mineral water found to contain a nail and a match. A warning
letter was also sent to a bakery which had sold a bread roll
containing a piece of wire.
Among other complaints of unsound food investigated by the
Food Inspectors, were mould in sausages (4 cases); mould in
cakes and pies (3 cases); dirty bread (8 cases); mouldy Jam;
mould in a tin of beans; unsound meat (9 cases); maggots In
biscuits (2 cases); a piece of rubber in a tin-of peaches
found to be a small rubber gasket used at the cannery to make
an air-tight seal on cans; a tin of peaches alleged to be the
cause of food poisoning; hairs in a meat pie - these were, in
fact, bristles from the animal from which the pie was manufactured;
a foreign body in a bottle of milk, and a dirty bottle of milk
the dirt was found to be on the outside and not the inside of the
milk bottle; and ants in a Jar of marmalade.
Where necessary the responsible manufacturers or retailers
of the foodstuffs were either written to or were interviewed
and their attention drawn to the complaints. The complainants
were subsequently advised of the action taken.
Where complaints of stale food are received the shop premises
are visited, with the result that in many instances the remaining
stock is withdrawn from sale.