London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Woolwich 1911

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich]

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baby needs treatment, the mother is advised to
consult her own medical attendant.
"There has been a slight increase in the number of
requests received for Health Lectures. Seven were
given in 1911, as against 4 in 1910. They were
mostly given to small gatherings of women; but
in two instances the audience numbered 50 and
70 respectively; and in one the audience was a
mixed one of men and women. I should be glad
to have more requests for simple talks on health
at Mothers' Meetings, Temperance Societies, and
similar gatherings. It is possible to do some useful
work in that way, provided the addresses are very
simple and quite short. A series of three short
lectures of about 20 minutes each is better than
one lasting an hour, for the kind of audience
one gets at these meetings, who are not used to
mental concentration.
Public Ambulance.
53. The Public Ambulance, for accidents and non-infectious
illness, was use'd 147 times, compared with 104, 122,
143, 123, and 86, in the five preceding years. The following
were the journeys made:—
To Guy's Hospital 33
Cottage Hospitals 26
Seamen's and Miller Hospitals 10
King's Hospital 12
London Hospital 8
Charing Cross Hospital 8
Union Infirmary 6
Other hospitals 9
Private houses 30
Asylums 5