London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Woolwich 1909

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich]

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Theoretically, Depôt-fed children should not be liable to the
infection of diarrhoea any more than those breast-fed, provided
their general health makes them equally resistant, and provided
the rules of the Depot as regards the use of the Depot bottles
are strictly adhered to ; but in practice both these provisions
frequently fail to be complied with.
Cost of the Depot. The cost of the Depot was less than in
1907, but more than 1908. The total loss on working expenses
and loan charges was £460 10s. 5¼d., compared with £500 11s.
3d., the loss for 1907, and £418 7s. 4d. in 1908.
The income decreased by some £46, while the expenditure
remained about the same. Milk cost £20 more, but the other
expenses were reduced.
The cost to the ratepayers of the Depôt is equal to a rate of
one-seventh of a penny, the return for which is many lives
saved, and many infants growing up stronger and more useful
citizens than they would otherwise be.
The Borough Treasurer has kindly supplied a full revenue
account which is given below.
Numbers Fed.
Number having milk on January 1st, 1909 115
New cases taken on between December 31st, 1908, and
December 31st, 1909 217
Total cases which had milk in 1909 332
Cases discontinuing in 1909 225
Total on books having milk on December 31st, 1909 107
Average number being fed 110
Average duration of feeding 5 months