London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Woolwich 1901

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Woolwich]

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LIST OF TABLES—continued.
Table Vb.—Deaths and Death Rate for the principal infectious
diseases for each parish 1891 to 1901 67
Population estimated to middle of each year for each
parish, 1891 to 1901 67
„ VI.—Ages, Schools, and other particulars of the causes of
Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria during 1901 69
„ VII.—Vital Statistics of the various London Boroughs for 1891 71
,, VIII.—Summary of the General Work of the Public Health
Department for 1901, the number of nuisances abated and
the notices served in each ward 73
„ IX.—Prosecutions in 1901 under the Public Health (London)
Act, and Bye-laws 76
„ X.—Proceedings in 1901 under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act 79
,, XI.—Food destroyed on application of owners and seizures
condemned by a Magistrate 81
,, XII.—List of Bakehouses in the Borough 1901 82
,, XIII.—List of Slaughterhouses in the Borough 1901 84
„ XIV.—List of Cowhouses in the Borough 1901 85
,, XV.—Registered Dealers in Margarine and Margarine Cheese.. 86
,, XVI.—List of Common Lodging Houses in the Borough under
the License of the London County Council 88
Appendices A.—Summary of Census 89
B.-—Combined Leaflets distributed to every house
throughout the Borough in March, 1902 93
C.—Report on Salutation Alley 99