London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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occurred, in hospitals in the Borough, of which 1,354 were to
Stepney residents. Triplets were born in the East End
Maternity Hospital, two of the babies being delivered 3 days
after the first.
The live birth rate for the year is 18.72 per 1,000 of
the population, which is 0,22 higher than that for 1950.
The rates for the County of London and for England & Wales
are 17.8 and 15.5 respectively.
Illegitimate births numbered 172, representing 9*3 per
cent of live births.
Still-births numbered 40, representing a rate of 21.2 per
1,000 total births, a decrease of 1.5 per 1,000 on last year.
Comparative vital statistics for the year as between
England & Wales, the Administrative County of London and
Stepney, are shown on Table 3 , page 53.
The number of marriages registered during the year was
831, being 225 less than last year, and.440 less than in
1948. The rate of marriages per 1,000 population is 16.8
and in 1950 was 21.16.
The net number of deaths registered during the year was
1,364, of which 776 were males and 588 females, as compared
with 1,255 for last year. The Rate of 13.83 compares with
12.58 for 1950. The principal causes of death were-heart
disease, which accounted for 34 per cent of the total
deaths, cancer 17 per cent and diseases of the respiratory
system including influenza 17 per cent. A Table on page 51
shows deaths by cause and age. Sixtysix per cent of deaths
were of persons over 65 years of age —ten years ago the
percentage was 46.
Road Accidents.
Reference to the Table on page 52, which shows deaths by
cause and age, reveals that 8 deaths of Stepney residents
were due to motor-vehicle accidents. For the second year in
succession no fatal accidents occurred to children, and non
fatal accidents to children decreased. Of the 100 children
who received injuries, 67 were boys and 33 were girls. 182
of the adult casualties were over 50 years of age. The
Table on page 52 showsroad accidents occurring in the
Borough compared over the past six years, for which