London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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Borough, within a specified period, a certificate signed by some duly
appointed Inspector of Canal Boats that the same had been duly done.
Such certificate was afterwards received.
(6) No case of Infectious Disease occurred.
(7) No Boats were detained for Cleansing and Disinfection.
(8) The total number of Boats on the Register on the 31st December, 1912 :—
(a) Number of Boats believed to be in use or available was ... 14
(b) Number of Boats that cannot be traced Nil.
(9) One Boat was Registered in 1912.
Dairies, Cowsheds, and Milkshops Orders.
At the end of the year there were in the Borough 1,083 registered premises
where milk is sold, which included 32 cowsheds. 65 premises were removed from
the register, due to their unsuitability, or the sale of milk had been discontinued,
and 14 were refused registration for a similar reason. Each shop was considered on
its merits, and certain conditions were imposed before it was registered.
The conditions for every new registration generally included that—
(1) The shop, milk receptacles and utensils must be kept scrupulously
clean. The milk must also be kept in a cleanly condition.
(2) The milk must be covered by a proper ventilated cover ; paper, muslin
or a plain board is not allowed.
(3) Boxes of minerals, or other boxes, sacks, bags, &c., must not be allowed
to remain on the floor, but raised on shelves at least a foot from the
floor. This allows the floor to be swept, otherwise it would only be
swept when the sacks or boxes became empty and dirt would accumulate
under and behind them.
(4) The shop floor must be swept and scrubbed frequently.
(5) The shelves must be kept free from dust.
(6) No paraffin, coal, coke, vegetables or Dutch herrings are to be sold.
Police Court Proceedings under the Dairies. Cowsheds
and Milkshops Orders.
On January 12th Mr. Laty Topfelt, of 18, Yalford Street, was summoned for
selling milk without being registered. He was fined 7s., with 23s. costs.
On July 23rd Mr. Simon Gatz, of 361 Cable Street, was summoned for having
his milk measures in a dirty condition. He was fined £1, with 23s. costs.