London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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Factories and Workshops.
The total number of workshops on the Register was 3,520; but this does not
include factories, workplaces and out-workers' premises.
5,007 inspections to factories, workshops and workplaces revealed defects, which
necessitated the service of 1,291 written notices. Of the notices, 31 referred to
factories, 1,233 referred to workshops including workshop laundries, and 27 to
workplaces other than out-workers' premises.
Cleanliness.—622 notices were served to properly cleanse workshops.
Ventilation.—The ventilation of 112 workshops was improved.
Overcrowding.—Overcrowding was abated in 38 workshops.
Sanitary Accommodation.—The sanitary accommodation was improved in
225 workshops by providing additional and suitable water-closets.
Drainage of Floors.—The drainage of the floor was found defective in three
330 other nuisances were remedied in workshops.
Outworkers' Premises.—4,886 inspections were made to out-workers' premises
during the year ; 531 premises were found to be insanitary, and notifiable diseases
occurred in 149.
A large percentage of out-workers' addresses were found to be incorrect, and
on being visited by the Inspectors it was found that they had either left the premises
some considerable time previously or had never lived there at all.
The actual number of out-workers' premises varied from time to time, but at
the end of the year it was 3,809.