London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stepney 1911

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stepney]

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On December 29th. Messrs. Hall & Newman, ef 107, Bishopsgate, were
summoned for failing to remedy a nuisance arising from the defective connection
of the flush pipe to the W.C. pan at 9, Old Montague Street. The work having
been completed on the day of the hearing of the summons, the defendants were
fined 1s. with 21s. costs.
On December 29th. Messrs. Hall & Newman, of 107, Bishopsgate, were
summoned for failing to comply with notices to abate nuisances due to the walls
and ceilings of the back basement room, the passage and staircase being dirty
and dilapidated, and the connection of the flush pipe to the W.C. pan being
defective at 29, Old Montague Street. The work having been done at the hearing
of the summons, the defendants were fined 1s., with 21s. costs.
On December 29th. Mrs. R. Specterman, of 320, Commercial Road, was summoned
for disobeying the Magistrates' order, made on November 9th, with regard
to 15, Old Montague Street. The work having been done, the defendant was fined
1s., with 21s. costs.
On December 29th. Mrs. R. Specterman, the owner of 21, Old Montague
Street, was summoned for disobeying the Magistrate's order, made on November
9th. The work having been done, the defendant was fined Is., with 21s. costs.
Police Court Proceedings under the Metropolis Local
Management Act, 1855.
On May 11th. Mr. F. Harmer, of 128, 130, Long Lane, Borough, was summoned
for constructing at 38, Mile End Road, a new drain and building (a water
closet) contrary to the London County Council's bye-laws, also without giving
notice to the Sanitary Authority. He was fined £3, with 42s. costs.
On July 7th. Mr. Robert Stone, of 37, Cadogan Terrace, was summoned for
constructing a new drain at 108, Commercial Road, without previously having
obtained the consent of the Council. He was fined 20s., with 23s. costs.
On July 17th. Messrs. Hind & Son were summoned for failing to comply with
the Council's notice to maintain the drain in good order and condition at 85,
Grove Street. They were fined 40s., with 23s. costs.
On July 18th. Mr. A. Cohen was summoned for failing to comply with the
Council's notice to maintain the drain in good order and condition at 28, Fairclough
Street. He was fined 40s., with 23s. costs.
Police Court proceedings under the London County
Council Bye-laws made under Sec. 16 of the Public
Health (London) Act, 1891.
On October 11th. Mr. Harry Slater, of 109, Rosher Road, Stratford, was
summoned for removing offensive matter through the streets during prohibited
hours. He was fined 10s. and 12s. costs.