London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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At the end of 1958 the number of overcrowded cases on the Public Health
Department register was 55> and the number of cases on the register for
preferential treatment on medical grounds was 33«
During the year eight new cases of families living in overcrowded
conditions were found and added to the register, and a survey of all premises
on the register revealed that 39 families had been rehoused or had found
alternative accommodation themselves. Nine cases were removed from the
preferential treatment register.
The number of cases remaining on the overcrowding register at the end
of the year was therefore reduced to 24, the number remaining on the
preferential treatment register also being 24.
63 visits of inspection were made.
No Closing Order in respect of underground rooms was made during the
The total number of underground rooms on the register is now 761.
FACTORIES aCTS, 1937 to 1959•
Part I.
During 1959» 105 new factories were added to the register and the names
of 118 which had closed down or moved away were deleted; the number remaining
at the end of the year was 1,174«
Part VIII.
66 lists of outworkers were received from employers in the Borough, 33 in
the first half-year due in February and 33 in the second half-year due in
August. These lists contained the names of 797 persons of which 718 were not
resident in Shoreditch, and details of these were forwarded to the sanitary
authorities of the districts in which they lived.
Lists were also received from 15 other Local Authorities containing the
names of 406 outworkers who lived in Shoreditch but were employed by firms
outside the borough. The total number of outworkers reported during the year
was therefore 1,203.
195 visits of inspection were made to premises where outwoik was being
carried on, but no defect necessitating the service of a sanitary notice was