London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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post offices; a leaflet was accordingly distributed to post offices, and various
establishments of the council. The administrative arrangements in connection with
the campaign were undertaken by the Central Council for Health Education who
supplied posters, bookmarks and propaganda during the four months of the campaign
which ended in February, 1938. These were distributed to various establishments
of the council, including the public libraries, baths, health clinics, and welfare centres.
The borough council also had posted on eight major sites the specially designed
posters supplied by the Ministry of Health.
It is the permanent practice of the department to advertise health services by
providing propaganda racks for display in the various clinics, centres, etc.
I am, Sir, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Health.
Public Health Department,
Town Hall, Old Street, E.C.1.
30th June, 1939.