London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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Councillor Mrs. H. Alsford St. Leonard's Hospital.
Miss. A. Broomfield Invalid Children's Aid Association.
Mr. H. S. Ceeney Public Assistance Committee.
Mr. Councillor A. Charles Public Health Committee.
Dr. C. K. Cullen Tuberculosis Officer.
Councillor Mrs. H. Girling, O.B.E., J.P.,
L.C.C -
Sister A. A. Grange Tuberculosis Visitor.
Councillor Mrs. M.I. Higgins (Chairman) -
Sister W. Hiscoke Tuberculosis Visitor.
Dr. Margaret Hogarth Divisional Medical Officer.
Mrs. Hooten -
Mr. Councillor S. Landau -
Miss D. F. Lee Shoreditch and Bethnal Green District
Nursing Association.
Mr. Councillor A. I. Macbeth -
Miss G. Murch School Care Committee.
Miss Parsell London Insurance Committee
Mrs. Salmon -
Mr. Councillor C. J. Smith -
Dr. E. Ashworth Underwood Medical Officer of Health.
Mrs. G. B. Green Secretary.