London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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at the University College Hospital Medical School, and the following is a summary
of the work done by him for the Borough:—
Swabs for B. diphtheria 1,175
Swabs for virulence test 3
Sputum for tubercle bacilli 100
Swabs for gonococci 35
Blood for Wasserman reaction 15
Swabs for hœmolytic streptococci and other organisms 24
Pus for tubercle bacilli 1
Blood counts 21
Blood agglutination test 1
Stools for infective organisms 119
Urine ,, ,, ,, 1
Urine for tubercle bacilli 3
Routine examination of milk 84
Milks for Brucella abortus 5
Maternity outfits (examination for sterility) 3
Material in bread 1
Insect in jam 1
Scrapings of skin for bacteria (Midwife) 1
Canned ham—complete examination—animal inoculation 2
,, ,, complete examination 6
Meat pie; examination and inoculation 1
Vomit ; complete examination 1
Examinations by Bacteriologists other than Dr. Teale:—
Swabs for B. diphtheriae 10
Food Poisoning.
During the year two notifications of suspected food poisoning were received.
Both of these cases appeared to be minor gastric disturbances, possibly due to dietetic
The premises disinfected numbered 1,018. The articles removed to the Borough
Council's Disinfecting Station totalled 9,643, and included 866 beds, 305 mattresses,
1,890 pillows, 456 bolsters and 6,126 other articles such as sheets, blankets,
quilts, curtains, carpets, clothing and the like. For further particulars regarding
the disinfection station, see page 166.
Disinfecting Station.
Consequent upon the proposed extension of the Town Hall which necessitated the
use of the land at the rear of this building, it became necessary during the year to