London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Shoreditch 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Shoreditch]

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Metropolitan Borough of Shoreditch.
of the
M edical o fficer of Health,
Statistical Tables and Summaries of Proceedings under the Public Health
and Factory and Workshops Act during the Year 1926, copy of the
Report of the Tuberculosis Officer, and a Summary of Notifications
under the Public Health (Tuberculosis) Regulations, 1912, a Summary
compiled from the Abstracts of the Work of the Sanitary Inspectors
by the Senior Inspector, Statistical Information relating to Housing,
a Summary showing the Results of Police Court Proceedings taken
during the Year, together with a Summary of the Work of the Medical
Officers and Health Visitors in connection with Maternity and Child
Welfare, a Summary relating to the Infants admitted to the Wards
at 210, Kingsland Road, during the Year prepared by the Assistant
Medical Officer of Health, and Particulars as to Cases Nursed by the
District Nursing Association on behalf of the Shoreditch Borough
Council during the Year 1926.