London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1906

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth]

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Streptococci + torulœ 3
Streptococci + staphylococci + torulœ 2
Streptococci + staphylococci + sarcinœ 1
Pseudo (Hoffmann) bacilli 6
Pseudo (Hoffmann) bacilli + staphylococci 3
Torulœ 8
Torulœ + micrococci 2
Diplococci 2
Micrococci 1
The Pseudo bacilli (Hoffman) were found in pure cultivation
in 6 instances, and mixed with staphylococci in 3 instances.
Other Examinations.
45 samples of other materials were examined, viz., 6 milks
(for sterility), 31 tinned goods (for sterility), 2 urines (suspected
tubercle), 1 pus (suspected gonorrhoea), 1 urine (suspected
gonorrhea), 1 pleuritic effusion (suspected tubercle), and 3 skin
scabs (1 from a child, and 2 from mice, with suspected favus
In connection with the skin scabs, the parasite, which causes
the skin disease known as favus, was isolated, and the disease
traced from 2 mice to a child who had played with them. Afterwards,
a cat became inflicted with the same disease at the next
door house. The parasite is the achorion Schonleinii.
All the milks were found to be sterile, as also 30 of the
31 tinned goods.
The Borough Council has distributed during 1906, free of cost
to Medical Practitioners, practising in Lambeth Borough, 5ft
vials of antitoxin.