London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1970

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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Special Inspections
Special inspections are carried out at any time during a child's
school career if the head teacher, family doctor, parent or health
visitor is concerned about the health of a particular child. A total
of 1,714 special inspections was carried out during the year.
A re-inspection is an inspection arising out of one of the
periodic medical inspections or out of a special inspection. A total
of 2,295 re-inspections was carried out during the year.
Follow-up Examinations
Follow-up examinations, referrals to General Practitioners,
Specialist Clinics, and to Hospital Consultants are arranged as
and when necessary.
Cleanliness Inspections
These inspections are carried out by the Health Visitors.
Children in the Infants Departments are inspected during the first
six weeks of each term.
Inspections in the Junior and Secondary schools are also
carried out each term unless clear inspections are reported for
three consecutive terms.
In addition to the above, inspections are carried out at any
time if and when necessary.
(a) Total number of individual examinations of
pupils in schools by Health Visitors 42,395
(b) Total number of individual pupils found to
be infested 215
(c) Number of individual pupils in respect of
whom cleansing notices were issued (Section
54(2), Education Act, 1944) 73
(d) Number of individual pupils in respect of
whom cleansing orders were issued (Section
54(3), Education Act, 1944) 3