Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]
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N and Girls find their way around the district with the aid of maps, time-tables
and telephones, training which will be useful to them when they leave school.
A clocking in and out scheme has been started for senior pupils and also
the cultivation of a small area of the grounds. A local Nursery was visited
to purchase plants and there has been a good display of bulbs throughout the
Many of the children come from poor back-grounds with lack of stimulation
and interest from their parents, and several are in care. Attempts are made to
impress upon parents the extra need for the retarded child to be encouraged to
use speech, and to gain confidence and ability by doing as much as possible for
The active P.T.A. have continued their activities by making and helping
to equip a library area which is being well used.
Newspapers are delivered daily and read and discussed according to the
ability of the individual child.
The usual visits by minibus included several trips to London, local
places of interest and factories, etc. with the purpose of future employment
in mind.
There have been social evenings,a Concert, Sports Meetings and the
usual seasonal activities.
The boys continue to produce attractive and useful pieces of woodwork
and have also been showing interest in book-binding and basket work.
Medical examinations, vision and hearing tests, dental, speech and
hospital treatments have taken place as usual.
The whole staff combine to see that each child receives as much help as
possible, socially as well as academically. Their pupils have a greater difficulty
than those in ordinary schools in settling successfully in an increasingly
competitive outside world.
319 children were examined by the Medical Officers in Department during the year. Certificates were issued in 317 cases, and in only two cases were the certificates not issued.
Boys | Girls | |
Delivery of newspapers and milk etc. | 193 | 52 |
Shop Assistant | 14 | 30 |
Waitress | — | 3 |
Entertainment | 2 | 4 |
Clerk | — | 1 |
Library Assistant | 2 | 6 |
Hairdresser's Assistant | 3 | |
Gardener | 1 | 1 |
Meals on Whoels | — | 1 |
Warehouseman's Assistant | 1 | - |
Garage help | 3 | - |
216 | 101 |
The following examinations were carried out by Medical Officers during the vears-
Training College candidates | 398 |
Teachers (including two for other Authorities) | 78 |
Total | 476 |
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