London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1969

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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I am grateful to Dr. J. Richings, Paediatrician, Farnborough Hospital, for
the following reportg-
Cheyne Hospital, ¥est Wickham is a long-stay Children's Hospital of sixty
beds. The majority of cases admitted are severely disabled children who require
nursing care, intensive physiotherapy and education. Cases of Spina Bifida and
Cerebral Palsy make up the majority of children. Children are admitted up to the
age of ten years.
In the past year four children were discharged home or transferred to suitable
residential hospital schools. Miss Miles became the new head of the school in
September, 1969s the children have all enjoyed her lively approach to education
and have benefited accordingly.
Cheyne now has the services of a part-time Medical Social Worker. This has
proved very helpful to both parents and staff.
I am grateful to Dr. C.H. Upjohn, Paediatrician, Farnborough Hospital, for
the following reports-
The Phoenix centre was opened at Farnborough Hospital in April 1959Initially
it was proposed to take 19 children of school age, but over the years
the number has gradually increased and children now attend as soon as it is
apparent that they are suffering from cerebral palsy. The youngest begin
attending before the age of 1 year (youngest admission was at 5 months) for
physiotherapy and advice regarding management at home by the parents.
During the past year 9 children of school age have attended daily during
the school term and there are 10 children between 3 and 5 years of age who attend
the infants' group and who have their own teacher allotted to them. These children
also have all the medical treatment required at these attendances. There are 12
children, under 3 years of age, who attend for medical treatment as required, and
in this age group there are 5 hemiplegic children. Altogether more than 30 children
are attending the unit.
The staff includes:- one consultant paediatrician, and one clinical assistant,
two physiotherapists (one full time and one part-time) two full time and one parttime
school teachers from the borough, a full time occupational therapist, a parttime
speech therapist, one nursing warden, one nursing auxiliary! cadet nurses are
appointed regularly to the unit to help with care of the children and to receive
instructions in the care of handicapped children! there are also Norland Nurses who
attend during their training period at Farnborough Hospital. In addition consultants
from other specialities attend, including the orthopaedic consultant (who pays
regular visits), the E.N.T. surgeon and the dental surgeonj all children are seen by
Mr. Owen the ophthalmic specialist.
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