Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]
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Children's Officers, Probation Officers and Health Visitors. Thirteen interdisciplinary
case conferences were held in the Clinic. The staff also had
quarterly meetings with the tutorial teachers at St. Paul's Wood Hill Unit. Ten
students attended the Clinics 1 Health Visitor student, 1 Local Authority trainee,
1 Education Welfare Officer trainee, 1 Probation Officer trainee, 4 Social Work
students, 1 Child Care Officer student, 1 Education student.
Details of referrals and attendances during the year are as followss-
Waiting Lists | |
(a) Awaiting first interview | 30 |
(b) Interviewed and awaiting treatment | Nil |
In attendances | |
(a) Active | 92 |
(b) Periodic Review (holiday cases) | 9 |
Number of cases closeds | 94 |
Number of applications withdrawns | |
(Failed repeatedly to attend for diagnostic interview) | 25 |
Sources of Referrals | |
Probation Officers | 3 |
Court | 4 |
Head Teachers | 13 |
Medical Officers in Department | 22 |
General Practitioners | 21 |
Parents | 2 |
Children's Officers | 3 |
Hospitals (Paediatricians and Psychiatrists) | 13 |
Chief Education Officer | 6 |
School Psychological Service | 9 |
Others | 2 |
98 |
Number of new patients taken on for treatment during each month:
January | 5 | May | 2 | September | 2 |
February- | 6 | June | 9 | October | 11 |
March | 5 | July | 8 | November | 4 |
April | 7 | August | 3 | December | 5 |
Number of Psychiatric Interviews: | Number of Social Worker's Interviews: | ||||
Quarter to 31st March 1969 | 146 | 151 | |||
Quarter to 30th June 1969 | 125 | 134 | |||
Quarter to 30th September 1969 | 127 | 155 | |||
Quarter to 31st December 1969 | 160 | 212 |
Number of Home Visitss
Psychiatric Social Worker 81
Educational Psychologists -
Other Staff -
The Social Worker made 18 visits to different outside agencies.
Number of School Visits:
Psychiatric Social Worker 6
Educational Psychologists 6