London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1967

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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encourage their attendance. As this innovation has proved worthwhile
it is anticipated that it will be continued. Patients not living
in the areas served by these two clinics are seen at the nearest
local hospital.
The following types of cases are referred:—
(a) Cases of obvious strabismus or squint.
(b) Patients suspected of having a strabismus.
(c) Amblyopic patients.
(d) Patients with any ocular muscle imbalance.
(e) Patients who are complaining of ocular symptoms, the
cause of which is not obvious to the Ophthalmologist.
Details of treatments and attendances are as follow:-
Number of new cases 58
Number on treatment 103
Number on occlusion 87
Number of treatments given 167
Number of cures with operation 5
Number of cures without operation 19
Cases discharged—cured—
(a) Functional for binocular single vision 12
(b) Cosmetic 11
Total number of attendances 665
Transferred or left the District 3
Number of sessions 181
Number on waiting list at 31.12.67 5
Diseases and Dejects of Ear, Nose and Throat
Number of cases known to have been dealt with:
Received operative treatment:—
(a) for diseases of the ear -
(b) for adenoids and chronic tonsilitis 749
(c) for other nose and throat conditions 208
Received other forms of treatment —
Total 957
Total number of pupils in schools who are known to have
been provided with hearing aids:—
(a) during 1967 6
(b) in previous years 44
Orthopaedic and Postural Defects
Number known to have been treated:
(a) Pupils treated at clinics or out-patients 233