London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1966

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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Nature of Unsatisfactory Sample.
Serial No. 0901.
(w) Composition: Moisture 17.1%, should
not exceed 16.0%.
Serial No. 0799.
Fruit Salad in Syrup.
(f) Composition: List of ingredients not in
correct order.
Correspondence with
Manufacturers. Satisfactory.
Correspondence with
Manufacturers. Satisfactory.
Serial No. 0897.
Tin of Peeled Tomatoes containing Worm.
(g) Composition: Contained a small earthworm.
It had not been heat treated.
No action.
Serial No. 0895.
(i) Composition: Contained mould hyphae.
Warning letter to Bakers.
Serial No. 0940.
Farmhouse Loaf.
(i) Composition: Foreign matter consisted
of "bakehouse char".
Warning letter to Bakers.
Serial No. 0830.
Chocolate Biscuits.
(x) Composition: Contained bread beetles
and the biscuits were also heavily
infested with the larvae of these beetles.
Warning letter to
Serial No. 0938.
(n) Composition: Mould growths present.
Warning letter to firm
Serial No. 0797.
Fondant Dips.
(y) Composition: Mould colonies present.
Warning letter to firm
Serial No. 0845.
Chocolate Sponge Sandwich Cake.
(n) Composition: Contained a piece of open
weave cotton fabric 2 in. by 5/8 in. Particles
of marzipan firmly adherent to the
fabric indicated that it was in the
marzipan layer of the cake.
Proceedings instituted.
Baker fined £20 with
5 gns. costs.
Serial No. 0939.
Bath Bun.
(n) Composition: Contained a tangled length
of string or course yarn, partly embedded
in the cooked dough.
Proceedings instituted.
Baker fined £20 with 10
gns. costs.
Serial No. F.C.I50.
Remains of Custard Tart.
(z) Composition: Contained a match stick.
The food adherent to it is pastry rather
than custard.
Proceedings instituted.
Baker fined £25 with
5 gns. costs.