Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]
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Welfare Work and Trolley Shops.
W.V.S. members visit the two London County Council Homes,
and "Dunoran." "Homefield" "St. Cecilia's." Lennard Hospital
and Hayes Grove Nursing Home, and a trolley shop service is
given where needed.
Wheel chairs are loaned to those in need.
W.V.S. members now have a converted van fitted with a winch,
known as the " Bickley Bus." which enables them to take chronic
sick in wheel chairs shopping and to visit the Over 60 Clubs. This
has been a great joy to those who have been housebound for so
Church Army Home, Wells Road, Bickley.
The Sister-in-charge has kindly furnished the following
"There were thirteen mothers with their babies in the House
at the beginning of the year. Eighteen mothers have since been
admitted, making thirty-one in the House during the year.
Of these, five mothers have returned to their relatives with the
children ; the other members of the families having accepted the
situation and taken the children into the families.
One girl we were unable to keep and she went into Part III
accommodation and the child was taken into care.
One mother was incapable of ever caring properly for her
child, and the child was accepted by Dr. Barnardos ; the mother
going into lodgings.
One girl has a resident job with her child. This is proving
very satisfactory.
Three girls went into lodgings.
Two girls have married the putative father and three have
married other men, who have been prepared to accept the children.
Fifteen mothers with their babies are still resident in the Home.
Unfortunately, for a long period during the summer the House
was in quarantine for measles. Other than this the household has
kept extremely fit.
Denbridge House does meet a very real need for the mother
who. anxious to keep her child and unable to return to her family
or friends with the child, is seeking for a place where she can live,
keeping the child with her and earning her own living, and the fee
charged is reasonably within her income.