London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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In March, 1954, the Ministry of Labour and National Service
opened an Industrial Rehabilitation Unit at Waddon near Croydon.
The object of this Unit is to provide men and women, who have
had a long spell of inactivity following illness, injury or any other
cause, the means of restoring them, under expert direction, to their
full working capacity and giving them professional guidance, where
there is need, about the kind of work likely to be most suitable.
The Unit is to a considerable extent dependent upon the medical
profession and hospital staffs in recommending suitable cases for
this course of industrial rehabilitation and in August of this year
every medical practitioner in the Borough was reminded of the
facilities available at this Unit.
During 1955, 8 men and 5 women from the Borough have
undertaken the course. Of the men 4 have been satisfactorily
placed in employment, one of these received vocational training in
a commercial course. The remaining 4 men are still at the Unit.
Three of the women have been satisfactorily placed and the other
2 are undergoing vocational training in a commercial course and
The Borough Engineer has kindly furnished the following
information from the records at the Climatological Station, Church
House Gardens:—
Total rainfall: 22.03 inches.
Mean maximum daily temperature: 57.25°.
Mean minimum daily temperature: 42.17°.
Highest maximum temperature (on 22nd August): 86°.
Lowest minimum temperature recorded (12th January): 19°.
Lowest grass temperature recorded (20/1, 28/2, 31/3, 19/12): 19°.
The value of Bromley's open spaces cannot be over estimated,
for they provide rest and relaxation for the older members of the
population and facilities for recreational activities for the younger
generation, thus making a notable contribution to the general well
being of the community.