London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1947

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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Vital and General Statistics.
TABLE I.—Summary of Statistics.
TABLE II.—Birth and Death Rates, Analysis of Mortality,
Maternal Mortality, and Case Rates for certain
Infectious Diseases.
TABLE III.—Causes of Deaths.
TABLE IV.—Infant Mortality—Causes and Age Groups.
TABLE V.—Infant Mortality—Analyses of Causes.
TABLE VI.—Infant and Maternal Mortality—Summary of
Statistics, 1910-1947.
Maternity and Child Welfare.
TABLE VII.—Health Visiting.
TABLE VIII.—Ante-Natal Clinics and Welfare Centres.
Housing and Sanitary Inspection.
TABLE IX.—Housing Statistics.
TABLE X.—Summary of the Work of the Sanitary
TABLE XI.—Nuisances, Defects and Contraventions Abated.
TABLE XII.—Factories Act, 1937.
Notifiable Diseases.
TABLE XIII.—Wards Distributions, Attack and Mortality
TABLE XIV.—Age and Sex Grouping.
TABLE XV.—Tuberculosis—New Cases and Mortality.