London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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The Chief Sanitary Inspector acts as Inspector under
the Diseases of Animals Acts for the Borough.
No. of Movement Licences received 202
Animals concerned—
(i) Pigs 1947
(ii) Sheep, lambs 506
Sheep Dipping.
Certificates issued by the Local Authority Nil.
No. of sheep double-dipped Nil.
Foot and Mouth Disease.
No. of Movement Licences issued by the
Local Authority Nil
Swine Fever.
An outbreak of Swine Fever occurred at a pig
keeper's premises during November. At the time
there were 66 live pigs on his premises and up to the
end of the year he lost 17 infected pigs.
The infection was brought into the Borough by
pigs purchased from an outside source, and 10 of the
17 infected pigs were from this source.
All the prescribed precautions were exercised and
only the one pig was infected on the farm.
No. of inspections made in connection with
the above-mentioned details 84
No. of interviews in connection therewith 134
The chief Sanitary Inspector made seven periodical
inspections of registry offices during 1938 and found no
contraventions under the Bye-laws with respect to Female
Domestic Servants.
There were ten Registry Offices on the register for
the Borough at the end of the year 1938.