London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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Rate per 1,000
total (live and
still) births:
Deaths from puerperal causes:
Number of deaths. still) births:
From sepsis 2 3.2
From other causes 2 3.2
Total 4 6.5
Death rate of infants under 1 year of age:—
All infants per 1,000 live births 41.8
Legitimate infants per 1,000 legitimate
live births 42.5
Illegitimate infants per 1,000 illegitimate
live births 29.4
Deaths from measles (all ages)
Deaths from whooping cough (all ages) 1
Deaths from diarrhoea (under 2 years
of age) 3
Social Conditions.
In a small history of Bromley issued in 1858 appears
this comment on Bromley: "A prosperous and wellbuilt
town, the buildings continually increasing in a
situation pleasant and healthy," and so it is at the
present time.
The following particulars have been extracted from
the records kept at the Climatological Station at Church
House Gardens for the year ended 31st December, 1933:
Total rainfall 16.77 inches
Mean maximum temperature 58.15 degrees
Mean minimum daily
temperature 43.23 degrees
Highest maximum temperature
recorded 90 degrees on 27th July
and 6th August.
Lowest minimum temperature
recorded 19 degrees on 23rd