London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bromley 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bromley]

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St. Luke's Parish.—1 nurse, C.M.B. and general training.
The nurse does not practice as a midwife.
Maternity cases nursed 23
General cases nursed 244
Total visits paid 3136
Payment is according to means.
Maternity cases nursed from 15/-.
These arrangements are confined to St. Luke's Parish,
and the Bromley Nursing Association nurses do no general
work in this parish.
Holy Trinity Parish.—-1 nurse, C.M.B. and general
Midwifery and maternity cases nursed 29
General cases raursed 31
There is a definite system of charges.
Midwifery, 30/- (25/- for subscribers).
Maternity, 25/- (20/- for subscribers).
(b) Infectious Disease Nursing.—The Bromley District
Nursing Association nurses undertake nursing of measles,
ophthalmia and whooping cough Cases.
No arrangements exist between the Local Authority and
any of the voluntary associations with regard to midwifery
or infectious disease nursing. It has been possible to secure
the services of the District Association Nursing Staff for
such attendance in cases of ophthalmia, etc., as was deemed
Midwives.—The number of midwives practising in the
district and registered with the County Medical Officer of
Health is eight. Three of these are members of Staff of
the Local Maternity Hospital. As already staited, no subsidy
is paid to midwives by the Local Health Authority.