London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wood Green 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wood Green]

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Number of Premises Inspected on Complaint 232
Number of Premises Inspected in connection with Infectious
Diseases 247
Number of Premises under Periodical Inspection 444
Houses Inspected from House-to-House (H.T.P., etc., Act,
Sect. 17) 714
Total Number of Inspections and Re-inspections made 8156
Action Taken (Other than under H.T.P. etc., Act)—
Cautionary or Intimation Notices given 1139
Statutory Orders Issued 166
Summonses Served 5
Convictions Obtained 3
Number in District 19
Number of Inspections made 78
Number on Register 4
Number of Inspections made 50
Number on Register (not in use) 1
Dairies and Milkshops—
Number on Register 49
Number of Inspections made 160
Unsound Food—
Meat (including organs) seized and surrendered. Approximate
weight in pounds) 48
Fish seized and surrendered. (Approximate weight in pounds) 1890
Fruit and Vegetables seized and surrendered. (Approximate
weight in pounds) 1456
Method of Disposal: Burnt in Destructor.