London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Willesden 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Willesden]

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Drainage and Sewerage of existing Buildings :
Water Closets:—
Number of water closets substituted for dry receptacles 0
Repaired, supplied with water or otherwise improved 389
Additional Closets constructed 7
Percentage of houses provided with water closets 100
Examined, tested, exposed, etc. 215
Unstopped, repaired, trapped, etc. 195
Waste pipes, rain-water pipes, disconnected, repaired, etc 219
New soil pipes or ventilating shafts fixed 41
Existing soil pipes or ventilating shafts repaired 100
Disconnecting traps or chambers inserted 32
Re-constructed 15
Rendered impervious, emptied, cleansed, etc 0
Abolished and drain connected to sewer 0
Percentage of houses draining into sewers 100
Rooms disinfected :—
(a) Ordinary infectious diseases 555
(b) Phthisis 56
Articles disinfected or destroyed :—
(а) Ordinary infectious diseases 1,744
(b) Phthisis 210
New bins provided 475
Periodical frequency of dust removal weekly
Method of disposal By tipping and barging
Sundry Nuisances abated:
Overcrowding 26
Smoke 4
Accummulations of refuse 45
Foul ditches, ponds, etc., and stagnant water 1
Fowls, pigs, and other animals 30
Dampness 102
Yards and forecourts paved, repaved or repaired 226
Walls and ceilings cleansed 2,223
Leaky roofs made watertight 499
Additional ventilation provided under floors 85
Dilapidated plaster repaired 828
Flooring and other woodwork repaired 194
Damp-proof courses inserted 16
Water supply reinstated 22
Washhouse floors repaved 135
Fireplaces and stoves repaired 282
Decayed brickwork repaired and repointed 120
Additional sinks provided 11
Additional light and ventilation to staircases 11
Larders or food cupboards provided 0
Gutters and rainwater pipes repaired 579
Smoke observations 20
New sash cords and glass provided to windows 1,461
Miscellaneous 233
Inspection of Premises where Food is prepared :
Butchers', Provision, and General Shops 120
Fish shops 70
Eating houses 46
Greengrocers' shops 68
Ice-cream premises 110
Stalls 36
Canal Boats Acts, 1877 and 1884.—During the year 46 visits were made to the Canal, and
16 boats inspected. Only 1 minor contravention was observed.
Smoke Abatement.—There are 3 large electric generating stations in Willesden, namely
the Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., at Lower Place, the North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply
Co., at Taylor's Lane, and the Metropolitan Railway Power Station, at Neasden, together with several
other large factories in various parts of the district.