London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Willesden 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Willesden]

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In dealing with applications for the above exemption
certificates special importance is attached to the following
1. Water Closet Accommodation.
That a separate and sufficient water closet is provided
for each separate dwelling or tenement.
2. Sinks.
That a separate glazed stoneware sink is provided
for each separate dwelling or tenement.
3. Water Supply.
That a separate draw-off tap taking its water supply
direct from the rising main is provided over each
separate sink in each separate dwelling or tenement.
4. Drainage.
That every drain is properly constructed and capable
of standing the smoke test.
5. Yard, Forecourt, etc.
That the yard, forecourt, and ground immediately
abutting upon the house is properly and sufficiently
paved and drained.
6. Access to the Yard.
That access to the yard is provided for each separate
dwelling either by means of a common passage
way or several separate passage ways.
7. Storage of Refuse.
That suitable and sufficient provision is made for the
storage of refuse.