London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Willesden 1902

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Willesden]

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1. That the hygienic control of public elementary and of
other public schools should devolve on the Medical
Officer of Health of the District.
2. That the Medical Officer of Health, or a Medical
Practitioner acting under him, should be given entry
and power to examine scholars on the same lines as
laid down in the Eccles Corporation Act.
3. That the standard of cubic space in all schools should
be raised to the maximum at present existing.
4. That a standard of purity of air in schools would be of
great assistance.
5. That schools claiming grants should be required to
produce a detailed report from the Medical Officer of
Health, as to their sanitary condition on a form
approved, showing that they are in a sanitary
6. That the Medical Officer of Health should be required
to record the action taken by his department in regard
to schools, and to forward annually to the Board of
Education such portions of his Report as relate to
this subject.
7. That the Board of Education should secure a skilled
medical adviser to co-ordinate the sanitary regulation
of schools, and to organise a code of preventive
measures applicable to schools.