London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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during the year; the refuse therefrom being carted away by
this Council.
A complaint was received of the condition of the expanse
of water known as the Welsh Harp which is used to some
extent by bathers. This stretch of water is in three districts,
namely, Hendon, Willesden and Wembley, and a copy
of the complaint was sent to the Medical Officer of Health
of each of the other districts concerned. The Welsh Harp
belongs to the Grand Union Canal Company and bathing is
not permitted by the Company, but owing to the fact that
an open space belonging to the Council is quite near to the
water it has been the custom for a number of years for
people to bathe there. No source of pollution of this water
from Wembley could be found, and from ordinary inspection
the water appeared to be reasonably clear and was found to
contain fish life. Chemical analysis and bacteriological
examination, on the other hand, showed that the water was
polluted and unfit for bathing purposes. The attention of
the Grand Union Canal Company was drawn to the state of
affairs which existed, and they have undertaken to erect
notices on their land forbidding bathine and drawing attention
to the fact that the water is not fit for the purpose.
3. Closet Accommodation.
(i) With a few exceptions water closet accommodation
is provided in every house in the district.
In a number of cases water closet accommodation is
shared by two houses, but the properties concerned are
already receiving the consideration of the Council under the
Housing Acts.
In a few instances the houses are provided with pail
closets, and in three of these cases demolition orders have
been made of the houses concerned. There are no privy
middens in the district.
Public Cleansing.
(ii) The new Public Cleansing Department, with a Special
Committee, has been set up to control the collection and
disposal of refuse, street cleansing, public conveniences, etc.
Previously the collection and disposal of refuse, and supervision
of public conveniences, were under the control of this
department, whereas street cleansing was under the control
of the Surveyor. It can, however, be stated that Wembley
has been equipped for several years with modern plant for
the collection of refuse.