London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Barnet 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barnet Urban District Council]

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Blackcurrant Jelly.
This sample,purchased from a grocery shop, was reported to contain
no significant proportion of fruit juice and that it should more
properly be described "Blackcurrant Flavour Jelly". The suppliers
to the shop, expressed regret that in designing new labels for this
particular brand of jelly the word, "flavour" had been omitted from
this Blackcurrant Jelly, other flavours being satisfactorily
labelled. A new label was being designed and the local shop withdrew
existing stocks.
Frosting Mix.
This was another case of incorrect labelling. The product contained
a permitted chemical within the specified limits but this was
referred to as a "freshness preserver" without giving the proper name
of the chemical. Stocks were withdrawn from sale and we are
awaiting a reply from the manufacturer's agents in this country.
Soft Ice Cream.
The sample was taken from a machine outside a local shop and the Public
Analyst reported that it contained % Fat and 7.8 c/o milk solids
other than fat. The Food Standards (ice Cream) Regulations require
that ice cream shall contain not less than 5 % of fat.
I was instructed to take further samples from this retailer but was
unable to do so as the dispensing machine was closed down for the end
of the season.
Irish Stew.
Your .analyst reported that these samples contained 22 and 29 % meat
content. In his opinion this product should contain 35 %. In
view of the possibility of variations of meat content as between cans
of the same batch further samples are to be taken, but there is as
yet no legal standard for these products.
American Enriched Loaf.
The Public Analyst reported that the true "American Enriched Loaf" as
sold in the U.S.A. contains some 5.6 % fat. He understands that