London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Barnet 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Barnet Urban District Council]

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Clinic and Treatment Centres.
At '"Fieldways, Wollhouse Lane, a Child Welfare and Ante Natal
Clinic is held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; a Dental Clinic
every Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and also a Tuberculosis
Clinic every Wednesday.
At Vale Drive a Minor Ailments Clinic for schoolchildren is
held every morning from Monday to Friday inclusive, and every
Wednesday a Speech Therapy Clinic,
At "Dolliafield", Totteridge Lane a Child Welfare Clinic is held
every Friday afternoon.
There are two hospitals within the District, (a) A General
Hospital (Wellhouse) under the Public Assistance Committee, Herts
County Council and (b) The Victoria Hospital; and two Nursing Homes
for paying patients.
The Barnet Nursing Association provides throe nurses.
The hospital accommodation for the district is adequate.
The Infectious Disease Joint Isolation Hospital provides 54 beds
in 3 blocks, one being a cubicle block. There is an operating theatre
and a Nuffield Respirator.
ø Acting Medical Officer of Health.
Arthur L. Hyatt, M.R.C.S.(Eng.) , L.R.C.P.
ø Chief Sanitary Inspector.
x Charles William Hill, M.S. I. A.
ø Additional Sanitary Inspectors.
? John Baillie Wilson, M.S.I.A.
? Alex. W. Nicol, M.S.I.A.
Clerical Staff.
x One Clerk.
x One Typist.
? Holds the special qualification as Inspector of Meat and Other
Foods under examination of the Royal Sanitary Institute.
Salary Contribution of one half from Exchequer Grants.
x Part-time Officer.
? Whole-time Officer.