London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southgate 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southgate]

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addressed by His Worshipful the Mayor, who attended with the
Mayoress. Questions submitted by members of the audience
were answered by a panel which included Dr. W. A. Letham,
Principal Medical Officer of Health of the Ministry of Food, and
Dr. Betty Hobbs, Director Food Hygiene, Central Public Health
Laboratory. The film “ Good Housewife in the Kitchen “ was
shown at the end of the meeting. The discussion was brisk and
although, as already stated, the attendance was disappointing,
those present seemed to derive both pleasure and profit from the
Visits to Schools.
Talks and film shows have already been given to children in
the upper age groups at three of our secondary modern schools.
Three 'hundred and fifteen children attended the meetings
arranged. Arrangements have been made to give similar talks and
film shows at our two grammar schools.
The total expenditure incurred in connection with the campaign
was £98 9s. 2d. This is within the original estimate.
I am satisfied that the Clean Food Campaign was justified and
that the results warranted the very modest expenditure incurred.
The attention of the burgesses was drawn to the principles of food
hygiene while the fact that 130 food handlers received special
instruction must surely have a beneficial effect. I am also glad that
we were able to make contact with so many senior school children.
All those who helped in any way have already been thanked,
but I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my personal
appreciation to the Head Teachers of the various schools who
offered generous co-operation, the editors of the local press and to
the other committees and departments of the Borough Council who
helped our effort. I would particularly thank the Sanitary Inspectors,
under the very able leadership of Mr. Gooday, Chief
Sanitary Inspector. It will be obvious that a great deal of thought
and time had to be spent not only in preparing the campaign and
exhibition, but also in giving the talks and demonstrations. All the
Sanitary Inspectors undertook a substantial amount of evening
duty, this time being willingly and cheerfully offered.
12th July, 1955.