London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southgate 1933

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southgate]

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(b) Ophthalmic Clinic.—An ophthalmic clinic is held weekly,
on Saturday mornings, at Garfield Road School, and school children
are seen by Mr. E. F. King, F.R.C.S., D.O.M.S., Ophthalmic
Surgeon. One hundred and ninety-five children attended the clinic
and were seen by the Ophthalmic Surgeon during 1933. Spectacles
were prescribed and provided for 147 of these. The corresponding
figures for 1932 were 185 and 99 respectively.
(c) Dental Clinic.—By arrangement with the Borough Council,
the County Council holds a dental clinic at Broomfield House,
Broomfield Park, where dental treatment of elementary school
children, and of expectant and nursing mothers and children below
the age of five years referred from the Borough Council's Maternity
and Child Welfare Centres, is undertaken by Mr. S. J. Smith,
L.D.S., Senior Dental Officer of the County Council.
Children attending Bowes Road and Garfield Road Council
Schools receive treatment at the clinic at Holly Park Council
The Dental Officer inspects children in the various schools,
and those requiring treatment are referred to the dental clinic,
where treatment is provided at a charge of Is. 6d. (remitted in
necessitous cases).
Two thousand one hundred and eighty-one children were
dentally inspected at the Schools during the year as against 3.228 in
1932, while 1,050 attended at the clinics (1932—1,558), where they
received treatment for various dental defects.