London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Romford 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Romford]

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To His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors of the
Borough of Romford.
Mr. Mayor, Ladies, and Gentlemen,
I have the honour, herewith, to present to you, this, my Annual
Report on the Health of the Borough for the year 1952.
This is the Nineteenth Report in the series, since I was
appointed your Medical Officer of Health, and it is drawn up in
accordance with the requirements of Article 17(5) of the Sanitary
Officers' (Outside London) Regulations, 1935, as modified by
Circular No. 2/53 of the Ministry of Health, dated 22nd January,
1953. This circular states that the Report should be prepared on
the lines of that for 1951.
As in the case of the Reports for the last few years, it is convenient
to deal also with the Health Services administered by the
Essex County Council, as the Local Authority for those services, in
accordance with the National Health Service Act, 1946. Under the
Scheme of the County, Health Area No. 6 is coterminous with the
Borough of Romford, and your Medical Officer of Health also holds
the appointment of Acting Area Medical Officer. Furthermore, your
Medical Officer holds the appointment of Borough School Medical
Officer. Such an arrangement gives unification of the service as a
whole, and there is the minimum of overlap.
The district still continues to grow, but, with the completion
of the London County Council Estate at Harold Hill, a degree of
stability will be reached, and we shall be in a position to consider
the extent of our administrative problems, and to deal with them
on a more satisfactory basis.
The statistics in the following pages, I humbly submit, are a
credit to your district.
My thanks, as usual, go to all the members of my staff, to my
fellow officials, and to all the members of the Council, and Health
Area Sub-Committee for the assistance invariably given, and for the
interest invariably taken in the betterment of health conditions
in the town.
I am,
Mr. Mayor, Ladies, and Gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
Medical Officer of Health.
Public Department,
Town Hall, Romford.
May, 1953.