London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Penge 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Penge]

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Cases are sent to the Croydon General Hospital, those
from the Infant Welfare Centre and Elementary Schools being
paid for by the Council.
Other Hospitals.
There are no hospitals in this district. Cases are
usually sent to the Beckenham Hospital, Norwood Cottage
Hospital and Croydon General Hospital, all being within
easy reach. These are all voluntary Hospitals.
Cases admitted to the County Hospital, Farnborough,
Kent, from this District, numbered 320.
A number of Penge patients are also treated at various
London general hospitals.
Extensive use has been made of the facilities offered
by the South Eastern Hospital for Children, Sydenham, also
by the Croydon General Hospital.
Midwifery and Maternity Services.
During the year, notifications of births occurring in the
District were received from 12 mid wives.
District Midwives are employed by the Beckenham and
Penge Joint Maternity Home to attend patients in their own