London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Orpington 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Orpington]

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Laboratory Service.
Routine medical and Food and Drugs samples are forwarded to the
Public Health Laboratory at Barming or to the County Analyst's
Laboratory at Maidstone, and the following is a summary of the work
carried out on behalf of the Council during 1963: —
Faeces 65
Food Samples 255
Water Samples 48
Section 47.
Although several cases were visited and investigated during the
year, it was not necessary to apply to the Court for an Order for
compulsory removal of any of the persons concerned.
Section 50.
Under this section of the Act, a duty is placed on the local
authority to arrange for the burial or cremation of the body of any
person who has died or been found dead in their area, if it appears
that no suitable arrangements for the disposal of the body have or
are being made.
It was not necessary for the Council to deal with any bodies
during the year.
Nursing Homes.
There are no registered Nursing Homes within the area.
Public Mortuary.
There is no public mortuary in use in the district. Facilities have
been given for the use of the mortuaries attached to Farnborough and
Orpington Hospitals.
(a) Farnborough Hospital—Provides a general hospital service with
709 beds.
(b) Chest Clinic—There is no Chest Clinic in the area, all patients
being referred to the Clinic at Tiger Lane, Bromley.
The above are under the control of the Bromley Group Hospital
Management Committee, whose offices are at Farnborough Hospital,
(c) Orpington Hospital—General hospital with provision for 550
(staffed) beds, plus 51 beds Part III residential accommodation
for County use.
This hospital is controlled by the Orpington and Sevenoaks Group
Hospital Management Committee and their offices are at Orpington
(d) Venereal Diseases—Patients are referred to the various hospitals
with specialist clinics for dealing with these diseases.
Ambulance Service.
The main depot for the area is situate at 12, Hayes Lane,
Bromley. At the present time there are 24 ambulances and 27 silting
case cars available for use at this depot, and the majority of these are
radio controlled.