London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Orpington 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Orpington]

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Restaurants, Hotels and Canteens.
One hundred and eighty-five visits were made to these premises
during the year, and although many of them are hampered by lack of
space, a reasonable standard of cleanliness has been maintained. In
one case defects requiring the attention of the owner were dealt with
by informal action.
Butchers' Shops.
Two hundred and forty-four detailed inspections were made of
the forty retail butchers' shops in the area. In no case was there any
evidence of unsound meat being exposed for sale.
Generally speaking, the standard of the twenty-one premises was
good. Sixty-nine inspections were made and notices issued for cleansing
and repair in five premises.
Merchandise Marks Act.
Forty-five visits were paid to premises during the year in connection
with the above Act. No contraventions were detected.
Game Act, 1831.
Four licences were renewed during the year.