Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Leyton]
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The important factor remains the special skill of the doctor in detecting these defects
at an age which a few years ago would have been thought impossible. The importance of
ensuring that all our medical staff are continually kept up to date in new techniques
must therefore always be kept clearly in mind.
At the 31st December 1964, 822 were registered and during the year medical officers
tested 259 children at 7 months and another 49 who are a little older were retested.
In 1964, Health Visitors carried out 1,808 tests at clinics and 395 tests in
childrens homes.
116 patients made 325 attendances for ante-natal examination and treatment, 31
patients attended 44 times for post-natal examinations during 1964. This is in addition
to those clinics reported in the Midwifery section.
These classes, held by Health Visitors, proved as popular and as helpful to the
mother as ever. There were 103 sessions held during the year at which mothers made 576
The number of expectant and nursing mothers treated has dropped considerably over
recent years and more patients are seen who have had their dental work done within the
General Dental Service
Much good work continues to be done however among the pre-school children from
about 2½ - 5 years of age.
The services of our dental auxiliary are very useful in this sphere as she has
managed to contact many young children (through our Health Visitors) who at the time
of the first dental visit had naturally sound mouths. In such cases all that has been
necessary has been to make friends with them, do a simple tooth brushing prophylaxis
and recall them at three monthly intervals. At the same time taking the opportunity of
talking about dental problems with the mother.
All this is bound to have a beneficial effect on future attendances and dental