London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Leyton 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Leyton]

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(iii) Inspection of Business Premises other than Food Premises
Inspections were carried out at the under-mentioned business premises having
regard to the requirements of the Public Health Act, 1936, the Shops Act, 1950, the
Factories Act, 1961, the Pet Animals Act, 1951, the Rag Flock and Other Filling
Materials Act, 1951, the Diseases of Animals Acts and Orders, the Leyton Corporation
Act, 1950, and relevant legislation.
Type of Premises Inspections
Non-Power Factories 2
Factories with Mechanical Power 95
Fairgrounds 7
Hairdressers 8
Building Sites 13
Miscellaneous Shops, etc. 23
Outworkers 9
Pet Animal Shops 8
Rag Flock 7
Schools 59
Places of entertainment 5
(iv) Prevention of Damage by Pests Act. 1949 - Rodent Control/Dlsinfestation
Complaints received 377
Enquiries and visits made:
By Rodent Operatives 3,342
By Public Health Inspectors. 497
Premises treated:
Dwelling houses 214
Business/industrial premises 48
Seven "block treatments" of premises for rodent infestation
were carried out.