London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Leyton 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Leyton]

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51 cases of Ringworm of the Scalp were certified as fit to
return to school during the year. Of these the following is a
return of the length of time absence from school was necessary:—
Under 1 month —
1 to 3 months 3
3 ,, 4 ,, 5
4 „ 6 „ 15
6 „ 8 „ 10
8 „ 10 „ 3
10 „ 12 6
12 „ 14 „ 3
14 „ 16 „ 2
16 „ 18 „ —
18 „ 20 „ 1
20 „ 25 „ 1
30 months 1
43 „ 1
8 cases were lost sight of on account of having left school or
removed from the district.
After the lapse of several weeks' exclusion from school,
during which time they have been instructed and cautioned, the
parents are summoned to attend before the various School
Attendance Sub-Committees.
The parents of 217 children were thus dealt with and prosecutions
ordered in 47 instances.
The following are the results of the prosecutions:—
1 fine of 10s. and 4s. costs.
1 fine of 5s. and 4s. costs
1 fine of 2s. 6d. and 4s. costs.
30 fines of 1s. and 4s. costs.
6 attendance orders with 4s. costs were made.
8 cases were adjourned or withdrawn.