London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hornchurch 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hornchurch]

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Food and Drugs.
A very satisfactory year's programme was carried out. The
benefits both of local control and County co-operation have been
The hygienic circumstances of the district remain satisfactory
and the work done in the past year gives solid ground for confidence
but not complacency. Even in a district of largely modern development
problems both diverse and complex continue to arise and can only
be tackled by present and future endeavour aligned with modern
scientific development and by utilising our past experience only insofar
as it provides an aid to future progress.
My best thanks are due to you for your support throughout the
year and in this expression I would include the chief officers and staffs
of other Council departments.
I would also acknowledge the services rendered by my own department
notably through Dr. O'Dwyer and Mr. Blay my Chief Clerk.
I must finally pay tribute to the assistance rendered by my Senior
Sanitary Inspector, Mr. Randall. His able, unostentatious and ready
advice has gone far to secure a successful year's working.
I am, your obedient servant,
James Gorman, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H.,
Medical Officer of Health.