London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hendon 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon]

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Cinemas and Places of Entertainment and Licensed Houses.
During the year these premises have been inspected by the Sanitary Inspectors
and detailed reports submitted to the respective licensing authority.
Smoke Abatement.
Number of observations made during the year 198
In this connection advice was given where necessary.
A number of houses in the more rural portions of the Borough are drained into
These were emptied by the Council on 222. occasions during the year.
Disinfestation of Verminous Houses.
10 houses were successfully treated
Privately owned 6
Council Houses 4
An arrangement exists whereby the Housing Officer notifies the Public Health
Department of the transfer of tenants in Council Houses.
Inspections are made of furniture, bedding and accommodation before transfer and
disinfestation performed where necessary.
The method employed is the application of a D.D.T. solution in spray form and
in the case of heavy infestation the work is carried out by specialist firms.
Disinfection of rooms by formalin spray is carried out after cases of certain
notifiable infectious diseases and in the case of tuberculosis on request or by
arrangement with the Chest Physician. An arrange-ment exists with the Regional
Hospital Board for the steam disinfection of bedding and clothing, a charge being
made to the Local Authority for this service.
In cases other than notifiable infectious disease the service is carried out on
request, an appropriate charge being made.
During the year 401 library books and 3 gramophone records were disinfected.
The number of rooms disinfected during the year was 235.
Swimming Baths.
There are two swimming baths within the district owned by the Local Authority,
one at West Hendon and one at Mill Hill.