London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hendon 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon]

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occurred, but the importance of doctors and health visitors
continuing their efforts to ensure that as many as possible are
immunised cannot be exaggerated.
No action was taken under Section 47 of the National
Assistance Acts which deal with the compulsory removal to
hospitals or institutions of elderly and infirm persons who are
incapable of looking after themselves or are in need of proper
care and attention. Nevertheless, an increasing number of such
cases were referred to the Public Health Dpartment, but in
each a solution was found, either by the provision of a home
nurse or home help, or by invoking the assistance of one of the
voluntary organisations which are playing such a useful part
in assisting the aged. The increasing numbers of old persons
in the community will ultimately create a problem necessitating
a co-ordination of all efforts if a satisfactory solution is to
be found. In my view, every effort should be made to keep
the old persons at home in familiar surroundings where they
are happier than they are likely to be in any institution however
well managed.
There is, however, a need for hostel accommodation so
that elderly persons may have periods of re-habilitation and
so that the families may have a much needed rest. It is unfortunate
that numbers of families do not appear to have a
sufficient sense of responsibility towards the older members,
and tend to regard the solution of their problem as being a
matter for the local authority, or one or other of the organisations
concerned. This attitude in certain instances, but by
no means in all, is due to lack of adequate accommodation
which tends to aggravate the situation.
The endeavour to maintain housing conditions at a reasonable
standard has, as in previous years, occupied much of the
time of the Public Health Department.
In conclusion, I should like once again to thank the
Members of the Council for their interest in all matters affecting
the public health, and the staff of the Department for
their sustained and efficient work during the year.
I have the honour to be,
Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
Medical Officer of Health.