London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hendon 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon]

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After passing through the filters the water is injected with ammonia
gas in solution and then passes over the cascade aerators and is finallyinjected
with chlorine gas in solution "before passing into the bath. The
use of ammonia and chlorine gas is for the destruction of harmful bacteria
and prevention of the growth of algae in the water.
In order to assist in the cleansing and efficient working of the
filters, a coagulent and alkaline salt are introduced into the water
between the pumps and filters,
Individual Unfit Houses.
No demolition order was made by the Local Authority and no house was
found to be in a state so dangerous, or injurious to health, as to be unfit
for human habitation.
Inspection of dwellinrhouses during the years-
Total number of dwelling-houses inspected for housing
defects (under Public Health or Housing Acts.) 1749
Number of inspections made for the purpose 3348
Number of dwelling-houses found not to be in all
respects reasonably fit for human habitation. 480
Remedy of defects without service of Formal Notices:-
Number of dwelling-houses rendered fit in consequence of
informal action by the Local Authority or their officers 463
Proceedings under Public Health
Number of dwelling-houses in respect of which Notices were
served requiring defects to be remedied 60
Number of dwelling-houses in which defects were remedied
after service of formal notices:
(a) By Owner 42
(b) By Local Authority in default of Owners
1287 inspections were made at premises where food intended for sale for
human consumption was prepared, stored or sold.