London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hendon 1915

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon]

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the diagnosis was not bacteriologically confirmed. Swabs of
all contacts were taken, with negative results. The patient
died on 28th April.
In all cases thorough disinfection of bedding and infected
rooms was carried out, and in no instance did a second case
occur in the same family.
172 cases notifed.
93 primary notifications.
79 secondary notifications.
The primary notifications are notifiable on Form A., and
secondary notifications on Forms C and D.
Secondary notifications are those caaes already notified
cm Form A, which are sent to me when a patient enters or is
discharged from a Sanatorium, Hospital, or Public Institution.
School cases are notified on Form B.
The deaths from Pulmonary Tuberculosis numbered 39,
producing a mortality rate of .78 per 1,000. The deaths
from Pulmonary Tuberculosis and other Tuberculous Diseases
numbered 46, producing a mortality rate of .92 per 1,000.
During the year I received 93 Primary Notifications and
79 Secondary Notifications. Of the 93 primary cases notified,
81 were Pulmonary Tuberculosis, and 12 were other Tuberculous
Diseases; 49 were males and 44 were females.
From enquiries made it was ascertained that 46 patients
had been received into Institutions for treatment, and many
had received outdoor treatment during the year.
Disinfection of bedding and rooms was performed in all
cases where a death occurred, or where the sleeping room
occupied by the patient was vacated for any other cause.
Sputum jars were provided in necessitous cases, and