Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hendon]
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1897, 29 of which were chargeable to the Hendon district. Of
the total number 46 died between the ages of twenty-five and
sixty-five, and 56 over sixty-five years. Only 8 occurred under
one year. Eighteen died from consumption, 14 from diseases of
the respiratory organs, 9 from heart disease, 24 from cancer, 17
from senile decay, and the remainder constitute the deaths from
all other diseases.
The total population estimated to December 31st, 1898, is
20,683, as against 19,702 in the previous year, or an increase of
981 persons. This increase has mainly occurred in the West
Hendon District, where building has been going on apace,
105 new houses having been erected, having an estimated
population of 768 persons. The land in this quarter is rapidly
being filled up, the houses being of the small tenement class.
At Central Hendon and Burnt Oak building has come to a complete
standstill for the year, not a single fresh house having been
recorded as completed and occupied, although the new Cleveland
Street Asylum situated in the Colindale district will shortly be
opened. This will add some hundreds to the population in this
quarter. At Child's Hill matters here have not progressed rapidly,
only 7 houses having been built. Cricklewood shows an increase
of 114 persons. At Mill Hill eight houses have been built, with
an estimated population of 58 people. This district, especially
round the station, is most desirable property for houses, the roads
being sewered.
At Cricklewood the Midland Eailway have in course of erection
150 houses for their own men. This will, I am given to understand,
relieve the congested state somewhat in West Hendon, as
the men now in the Midland employ there have orders to move in
when the houses are completed.